dimarts, 20 d’abril del 2010


Hi! My name is Judith and I’m a secondary school teacher at IES de Vilafant. I have a secret: I’m a journalist and I’m working for a newspaper. A month ago I lived an unforgettable experience when we were on holiday on the beach of Tenerife.

I went on a school trip near the beach. The first day we went to the beach. There were many tourists. I was taking photos, but the students were swimming in the sea. Suddenly the bell started rang. They said: “leave the beach there’s a tsunami.” The people started to run very fast. It was striking.

The people were seeing the beach. The beach was flooding. The students were very sad, because they weren’t going to the beach, but the other students were very scared, because it was destroyed. The other people were very surprised.

Everyone decided to help rebuild the beach. They felt very happy because they could helped the people after this incident. When we returned I published the incident with the photos and I explained everything to my students I didn’t want to have secrets with them.

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