dimecres, 9 de juny del 2010


Hi Lidia!
I was angry with my best friend.
Now we don't speak or look in the face.
My friends say they speak but we are very stubborn.
What can we do?

dilluns, 7 de juny del 2010


-You should go to England.

-You should read English books.

- You should speak English with England friends.

-You should listen to English music.

- You should watch English films.

dimarts, 1 de juny del 2010


I do many things in summer.

In July In the mornings I'm going to do holiday homework. It's a bit boring! but after that I'm going to listen to music. It’s fantastic! I'm not going to go to a summer camp. I' m going to stay at home or my cousin's house. I'm going to help my mother to do housework and my mother is going to be very happy. In the afternoon I’m going to swim in the pool. It’s perfect! I’m going to run of sometimes. I love this month! On 19th July is my birthday! My family goes to my house and we prepare a meal. I have

many gifts! It’s fantastic!

August is the holiday month! We're going to go to different places: Tenerife, Teruel, France, and Cardona... I’m going with my parents and sometimes with my uncle and my aunt. I am going to go to Portaventura with my cousins. I’m going to go to visit many places. I’m very happy!

dimarts, 20 d’abril del 2010


Hi! My name is Judith and I’m a secondary school teacher at IES de Vilafant. I have a secret: I’m a journalist and I’m working for a newspaper. A month ago I lived an unforgettable experience when we were on holiday on the beach of Tenerife.

I went on a school trip near the beach. The first day we went to the beach. There were many tourists. I was taking photos, but the students were swimming in the sea. Suddenly the bell started rang. They said: “leave the beach there’s a tsunami.” The people started to run very fast. It was striking.

The people were seeing the beach. The beach was flooding. The students were very sad, because they weren’t going to the beach, but the other students were very scared, because it was destroyed. The other people were very surprised.

Everyone decided to help rebuild the beach. They felt very happy because they could helped the people after this incident. When we returned I published the incident with the photos and I explained everything to my students I didn’t want to have secrets with them.

dijous, 8 d’abril del 2010


A: Hello Marta!
B: Hello Judith!
A: What did you do at the weekend?
B: I went to Barcelona and visited “Camp Nou”.
A: Did you go by car?
B: No, I went by train, because it’s the funniest transport.
A: Which kind of sport do you prefer, football or tennis?
B: I prefer football. How about you?
A: I prefer tennis. What’s your favourite team?
B: I like Barça, but I do not like Real Madrid. My favourite football player is Messi. How about you?
A: I love Rafa Nadal. He’s a very good and handsome player. I love tennis! It’s my hobby!
B: Next weekend I’m going to a tennis match with my cousins. Do you want to come?
A: Yes! I like tennis and I’m go with you…
B: Yes, it’s very funny!
A: Good bye!
B: Bye Marta!


Stardog is a robot dog. It’s a better friend than a Pop Star. It helps the singer in the concerts and dancing and singing. It’s a very helpful dog-robot. It’s quiet and very modern. It’s an attractive robot. The only deffect is that it can run very slowly. It’s made of metal and has a big body. Its body can be: blue, brown, orange, silver… It’s got one big head and a short neck. It hasn’t got a hair. It’s also got two very big black eyes to see the public well. Stardog listens to music with two microphone ears. It’s got a big mouth to sing. It hasn’t got lips, because in robots they aren’t necessary. But it can smell things with its big nose, because after the concerts there is much food. It’s has got two arms, two legs, two hands and two feet. It hasn’t got fingers or toes. At the back there is a long tail. It’s a fantastic robot!

dimarts, 23 de març del 2010

dimecres, 3 de març del 2010


One day a group of friends had a birthday party.

At that moment, they heard a noise.

Then all the decorations were on the floor.

Three minutes later the guests arrived. I tried to tidy everything.

Then, I finished tidying. The protagonist arrived and she was very happy.

After that she opened the presents and ate the very big cake.

One hour later a cat and a dog fought and again they destroyed the decorations.

Next the protagonist pretended nothing happened and she was very happy because she had very good friends.

In the end the friends hugged and played with all the presents.